Central Valley (Virginia City)
It's the 3rd of September and the CVP team is taking another paranormal mini-vacation. We brought along to have a roll call for 6 experienced and 2 of our new recruits and one straggler along for the ride. The team has once again ar rived in Virginia City, Nevada this time at the Gold Hill Hotel. We are once again taken back in time on a journey that will not be forgotten. We check into the Brewery Lodge where everyone can be accommodated in the same area. We have stopped and stocked up on snacks, dinner and breakfast items for the next couple days. While we checked in we were told of some of the past haunts. The front desk says not a lot of the Brewery Lodge, but Gold Hill a haunted area in itself. We then got the keys to the lodge and ventured across the street. It was located next to the Gazebo where they have weddings and other functions. We all were amazed at how much room and the sight of having a full-service kitchen and so much room to all have enough space for sleep...